The Beautiful City of ClearwaterFlorida on Clearwater Beach, The World’s Best Home Site!

When you are choosing among cities to live, Clearwater Florida is one that rises to the top of EVERY list. ClearwaterFlorida is one of the world’s most livable cities and here are just three of the many reasons why!

  1. One of the best reasons is the beach! Clearwater Beach is a number one an international resort destination– one of the top ten beaches in the world! One of the few pure white sand beaches, Clearwater beach is beautiful and warm enough to swim most of the year. If you love the beach, you’ll love ClearwaterFlorida!
  2. Another top reason to live in Clearwater Florida is the temperate climate. Located in western Central Florida, ClearwaterFlorida has sub-tropical (rather than tropical) temperatures. Clearwater Florida is a place for folks tired of shoveling snow, piling on coats and scraping windshields!
  3. ClearwaterFlorida has some of the nicest residents on earth! Clearwater Florida has people who enjoy the beach, tend toward a positive viewpoint, love life and celebrate it! ClearwaterFlorida citizens come from all parts of the globe and that cultural richness is refreshing!

Investigate the beautiful city of Clearwater Florida. You’ll see why ClearwaterFlorida is the best place to be!